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Our First Fundraising Event!

A few months ago, Mark Udle got in touch with us and said that he would like to fundraise for Safer Waves. Mark is an outdoor enthusiast, who is passionate about inspiring and encouraging people to get outdoors, for the benefit of their physical and mental health.

We were very excited about the prospect of our first fundraiser, and Mark soon fine-tuned his plan. The challenge he decided on is 80 miles of hiking over 4 days, along the steep cliffs of the Jurassic Coast. Mark wanted to involve as many of his colleagues as possible, and set about inviting them to walk alongside him, and to help him with the logistics.

So far Mark has completed 260km worth of training with his colleagues and his family.

We asked Mark why he wanted to undertake this challenge for Safer Waves and he shared these words with us:

“I choose to support Safer Waves as I have had a very violent upbringing. Without my mother, it was just my father and later a stepmother who only incited more abuse. I ended up homeless just before I was 16, at the time there wasn’t any help around. I was mostly ignored or worse put in a children’s home where child abuse was common.

I wanted to take my own life at 16, but thankfully I didn’t. There is a lot more to this story but I won’t go into detail here.

I have also been at sea on offshore trawlers for most of my career, which wasn’t easy as I suffered with PTSD after all the horrors I have been through. Even though these events did not occur at sea, I fully support Safer Waves and think there is a huge need for this charity.

I could not even imagine what it would be like to have such horrors occur onboard and to be so vulnerable in that environment. I would not want anyone to go through what I have been through or worse, and to have nowhere to turn for help.

The team and I are hiking for Safer Waves, to help people who are suffering, or have suffered in the past”

Mark’s powerful account speaks volumes. Firstly it shows a determination that we see time and time again in the people who contact us, to use past trauma to create positivity, and to change the future for ourselves, our families and the next generation.

Mark also wanted to make it clear that anyone can experience trauma, anyone can suffer from PTSD, and that there is no shame in that.

Finally, Mark’s challenge is in the true spirit of Safer Waves. Bringing people together and turning negative experiences into teamwork, strength and empowerment.
By Safer Waves December 27, 2024
Safer Waves supporting seafarers and the industry!
November 14, 2024
Toni Frost Safer Waves Operations Manager
November 14, 2024
Gordon – what are you up to? I have decided to take on a challenge that doesn’t have anything to do with the sea! I have volunteered to trek to the summit of Mt Kilimanjaro to support a charity very dear to my heart – Safer Waves. Why are you doing this? For a great many reasons…. I am not 21 years old anymore so as a bucket list item it was better to trek now than leave it too much longer haha. But seriously it was a way of trying to raise money during what for a great many is a global financial crisis. All charities suffer from a lack of donations when times are hard and Safer Waves needs the maritime community support. I am so happy that everyone rallied and the support I have received is absolutely fantastic. In the past, I had run 10K’s and marathons and raised money for my chosen local charities but never on this scale. To trek the highest mountain on the African continent at 5895m above sea level will be some endurance test and I think it has sparked everyone’s fascination as to why an ex-submariner and now merchant seafarer would want to put himself through such a challenge to be at that height. As challenges go, obviously the trek itself and the view will be awesome to undertake and no doubt many friends made along the way. But the primary aim is not about me or what I do but to highlight the topic of bullying, harassment and sexual assault. For many years this subject has remained taboo. People pretend it does not exist or ignore the sometimes unhealthy and unwelcome crew interactions at sea. “I do not sit on the fence and am an ally and proud to support those calling for an end to this stain on the maritime industry.” My aim with this trek and the global message I have been raising throughout the maritime community with my fundraising is simply that it must be acknowledged, it must end and together we can make that happen. I do not sit on the fence and am an ally and proud to support those calling for an end to this stain on the maritime industry. I hope it encourages others to become an ally and for those afflicted to feel supported and strong enough to report such behaviours. We often talk about messages we can shout from a mountaintop – you will literally be on a mountaintop, so what message would you shout regarding sexual abuse at sea? I would shout out ‘Do not sit on the fence’ – ‘Be that Ally’ – ‘We are Stronger Together’! Have you experienced or witnessed sexual harassment or gender discrimination onboard? “In my leadership position, I have the power to act and have done so.” Yes, both at sea and ashore. These events affected others and not me personally but as a shipmate, they obviously do affect me and who I am and what I stand for as a decent human being. In my leadership position, I have the power to act and have done so. As we know ships are an enclosed working environment and those who have the rank or power to intervene, support and report need to know what is happening/has happened AND need to act appropriately. This takes education, compassion but also courage. How do you find the courage to be an active bystander ? Being an active bystander means being aware of when someone’s behaviour is inappropriate or threatening and choosing to challenge it. I have the personality, character and experience that comes with maturity to do this. It doesn’t mean it is easy it just means I have the courage to do this. If you do not feel comfortable doing this directly, then get someone to help you such as a friend or someone in authority. On the Trek is there a sweepstake for total number of blisters ? I am sure there will be haha, maybe I could use this to raise even more funds ! How heavy is your backpack? What’s the grub going to be? I will be carrying personal equipment only as the Trek uses certified National Park guides and porters as part of sustainable trekking as it assists the local economy and provides training and fair wages to the locals. The Trek covers 5 ecological zones roughly every 1000m in altitude so it is like trekking from the equator to Antarctica in the short time of the 8-day trek on the Machame route. I am a seafarer so in reality, the grub could be anything and I would still eat it haha. Do you go with just one layer of sock, or do you do an inner and outer sock method to prevent blisters ? I use one pair of socks. Years back in the military when I would do expeditions and field craft we were taught blister control and foot hygiene. You are on your feet the greater part of the day so they will be my number one concern throughout the trek. Dry feet in top-quality socks and broken-in boots that fit and provide ankle support. How many miles in total is the trek and what’s the elevation gain? Over eight days we ascend to the 5895m summit and this is completed in daily chunks of approximately 7-8km. To alleviate altitude sickness we ascend gradually and will actually descend slightly at night to camp. What are you most anxious about? I would say altitude sickness. It does not matter if you are an athlete or have average fitness it will be altitude sickness that will prevent you from achieving your aims. There is the same percentage of oxygen at altitude but because of the increase in pressure less oxygen enters your lungs with each breath. That is why it is a trek and not a race, more endurance really as side effects of altitude sickness are headaches, shortness of breath and fatigue. What will you do when you get back down from the mountain? Shower haha that will probably be a necessity! Then it will be to download my photos and send messages out to my sponsors and the supporting maritime community. What will you do when you get back home? Thank my wife for tolerating me … not only my life as a seafarer but putting up with my mad fundraising ideas. After that I will enjoy hearing what the Safer Waves guys manage to achieve with the donations. I am sure it will be for research, keeping up the great work with the website and email support service and I hope means you can reach even more seafarers and be able to meet where the need is great in as many different ways possible.
September 7, 2024
Once reviews started to come out about a play up in Liverpool based on a female British seafarer, Corrina, and her experiences onboard, I was intrigued and curious to go watch. I’m a person who has not even watched Captain Phillips, Deepwater Horizon or other movies based on our industry, but the plot sparked my curiosity to the point where I found myself on a train heading up to Liverpool to watch the final show.
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